Visualize Twitter

An application, written in python, that querys the twitter API and gathers a number of tweets, based on search parameters, and returns a CSV file that creates an informative graph using the open source graphing platform Gephi.
Nodes are twitter users, and if you hover over them, their username is displayed. The arrows between the users represent 'At' (@) mentions between them.

In other words if user 'samzorps' tweets: "Goodmorning, how are you? @twitterBot1", this will be represented as an arrow from 'samzorps' to 'twitterBot1' in the graph.

  • The size of a user is determined by how many arrows (incoming or outgoing) they are connected to.
  • The color of a user is determined by how many followers they have. The more followers, the warmer the color.

This graph is very useful for seeing which users are 'controlling' the conversation on a particular topic during a particular timeframe. This has many applications, including business strategy.